Breast Lift


A Perkier, More Youthful Bust

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical technique of removing excess skin which lifts and reshapes breast tissue to address sagging.
  • Balanced body proportions
  • Nipple repositioning
  • High positioning
Breast lifts restore your feminine silhouette for a more youthful figure and a little pep in your step.

What Is A Breast Lift?

A breast lift, medically known as mastopexy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at rejuvenating and reshaping the breasts by lifting and firming sagging or drooping breast tissue.

Over the years, aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and genetics may all play a role in reducing breast volume, stretching the skin, and causing the breasts to sag downward.

These concerns are addressed by a breast lift procedure, which involves the removal of excess skin, tightening of the surrounding tissue, and repositioning of the nipple and areola to create a more youthful and lifted breast profile.

A breast lift does not significantly change the size of the breasts but rather restores their natural contour and firmness, enhancing overall breast aesthetics and restoring self-confidence for many women.

What Is A Breast Lift?

  • Improved breast shape
  • Enhanced firmness
  • Perkier, more youthful appearance
  • Corrects asymmetry from conditions like micromastia
  • Long-lasting results
  • Revert inverted nipples
  • Reduced sagging
  • Lift of the nipple and areola placement and direction
  • Confidence boost

Types of Breast Lifts

  • Crescent breast lift
The crescent breast lift repositions the nipple to a higher position on the breast. It is named after the small, crescent shaped piece of skin that is removed from around the areola. The edges are then sewn back together, pulling the nipple upward.

A crescent breast lift is not quite a full breast lift procedure, and generally requires less downtime and recovery than a full breast lift. Crescent breast lifts are often done in conjunction with another type of breast surgery, such as augmentation or reduction.

  • Benneli breast lift
A Benneli breast lift, also known as a donut breast lift, is similar to a crescent breast lift, but rather than removed a crescent shaped piece, a circular piece of skin is removed from around the nipple (the nipple being the center of the “donut”). The edges are then sewn back together, which pulls the nipple and appearance of the breast overall upwards.

  • Lollipop breast lift
Lollipop breast removes a circular piece of skin from around the nipple — the “candy” part of the lollipop. The “stick” of the lollipop is formed by removing a small stretch of skin from the bottom of the areola to the crease of the breast. Lollipop breast lifts raise the areola’s position, which in effect reshapes the whole breast.

Lollipop breast lifts generally require more downtime than both crescent and Benneli breast lifts. But

  • Anchor breast lift
The most impactful of the four types, an anchor breast lift is everything a lollipop breast lift is. But it goes a step further by also removing a small strip of skin all along the under crease of the breast. The edges of these incisions are then sewn back together.

Anchor breast lifts have the largest overall visual impact, and in turn, the longest recovery time.

  • Vampire breast lift
A vampire breast lift is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure aimed at rejuvenating and enhancing the appearance of the breasts using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from the patient's own blood. During the procedure, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient and then processed to isolate the PRP, which is rich in growth factors. The PRP is then injected into specific areas of the breast tissue, stimulating collagen production and promoting tissue regeneration.

This results in a firmer, fuller, and more youthful appearance of the breasts, with potential improvements in skin texture and overall contour. The vampire breast lift offers a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgical breast enhancement methods, providing patients with natural-looking results and little to no downtime.

  • Bilateral breast lift
A bilateral breast lift is a surgical procedure aimed at lifting and reshaping both breasts to improve their position, contour, and overall appearance. During the procedure, excess skin is removed from each breast, and the surrounding tissue is tightened to create a more youthful and uplifted appearance. The nipples and areolas may also be repositioned to a higher position on the breasts for a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing result.

Breast Lift Before & After

Slide to see bilateral breast lift before and after.
Slide to see bilateral breast lift before and after.

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Slide for bilateral breast lift before and after photos.
Slide for breast lift before and after photos.
Slide for breast lift before and after photos.

How Much Does A Breast Lift Cost?

Several variables influence the cost of a breast lift, reflecting the complexity of the surgery and the individualized nature of each patient's needs and goals. By examining these factors, patients can gain insight into the financial considerations associated with the procedure and make informed decisions about their cosmetic treatment plan.

Factors affecting pricing for a breast lift:

  • Surgeon's Experience: The expertise and reputation of the plastic surgeon performing the procedure often influence the cost, with more experienced surgeons typically charging higher fees.
  • Geographic Location: The cost of living and demand for cosmetic procedures in a particular area can impact pricing variations between regions.
  • Surgical Facility Fees: The quality and amenities of the surgical facility where the procedure is performed, including operating room fees, anesthesia costs, and post-operative care, can contribute to the overall cost.
  • Extent of Surgery: The complexity and extent of the breast lift procedure required to achieve the desired results will affect pricing, with more extensive surgeries typically costing more.
  • Additional Procedures: If additional procedures, such as breast augmentation or breast reduction, are combined with the breast lift, the overall cost will be higher.

Does Insurance Cover A Breast Lift?

Most insurance policies typically exclude coverage for a mastopexys, as it falls under the category of elective procedure as opposed to medical necessity.

There are a few, limited exceptions when a breast lift is considered a medical necessity, such as severe breast ptosis (sagging) that results in physical discomfort or functional limitations. Generally, an insurance company will require a referral from a primary, in-network doctor before considering a mastopexy a medically necessary procedure. This means that plastic surgeons do not typically make the decision as to whether or not a breast lift is considered medically necessary. To better understand if your insurance cover a breast lift, review your policy and speak with your insurance company and doctor in advance of scheduling a breast lift procedure.

To get a better idea of what a breast lift would cost with regards to your specific situation and goals, submit a short questionnaire and book a time to speak with a Bliss Patient Consultant.

Breast Lift Recovery Timeline

The recovery time for a breast lift typically occurs in phases.

  • Days 0–7: Most patients prefer to take at least 3 days off of work to rest, whereas others do seven. This is the most acute recovery phase. It is advisable to use minimal energy and allow your body to dedicate its energy to the healing process. There may be some minor pain and swelling, but your surgeon can provide you with medications for this time if needed to ensure a comfortable and smooth recovery. During this phase, it's essential to follow post-operative care instructions to optimize recovery and minimize the possibility of breast lift scars.

  • Week 1-4: During these weeks of a breast lift recovery process, most patients are ready to resume their daily activities such as work or school, as long as their jobs don’t require extensive physical activity. Those who love exercising should keep their workouts light. Over this period, any pain or surgical incisions will significantly heal, and in many cases, heal without any visible surgical marks. It's crucial to keep the incision sites clean and protected from excessive sun exposure to minimize the risk of breast lift scarring.

  • Weeks 4-12: During this period, your breast will fully heal over. While it is still advisable to avoid strenuous exercise, more moderate forms of exercise such as biking and light jogging will become comfortable again, though you should still avoid heavy lifting until your breasts are completely healed.
As the healing process progresses, it's essential to monitor the appearance of breast lift scars and follow your surgeon's recommendations, which may include the use of breast lift scar-reducing creams or silicone sheeting to promote optimal healing and minimize breast lift scars.

How Long Does a Breast Lift Last?

Breast lifts are generally considered a long-term solution for saggy or asymmetric breasts.

However, there are some lifestyle things that can slowly impact results over time. These include things such as weight fluctuations, hydration, and aging over time. It also depends on whether or not your breast lift operation was done in conjunction with another breast surgery, such as implants or augmentation, and what type of breast lift you received.

Are You Considering A Breast Lift?

As with most operations in general, being in good overall health is the biggest variable in determining if you are a good candidate for a breast lift procedure. Other specific health considerations include things like if you are currently breastfeeding or will be in the near future, lifestyle considerations such as whether your job has strenuous physical activity or if you are a regular smoker, and if you have allergies.

Beyond that, it’s also about alignment of expectations. In order to get the result you want, it’s important to identify exactly what you’re looking to achieve.

Breast lifts produce more natural looking, subtle results compared to augmentation. While breast lifts can improve the look of your cleavage, the most noticeable improvement will be obvious when the breast is bare or close to it, like in a bikini.

Schedule a free consultation with one of our medically trained patient experience providers to determine if you are a good candidate for a breast lift, and if a breast lift is the right procedure to achieve the look you’re going for.

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Partner with a Bliss Patient Consultant to find plastic-certified surgeons, payment plans, and achieve beautiful results.
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